Impact of Employee Turnover on Organizations

What is Employee Turnover? Employee turnover, or employee turnover rate, is the measurement of the number of employees who leave an organization during a specified time period, typically one year. There are two types of Employee Turnover: Voluntary Turnover and Involuntary Turnover Voluntary Turnover - This occurs when an employee chooses to leave himself. This can happen as a result of better job opportunities elsewhere, conflict within the workplace, disengagement etc. Involuntary Turnover - This occurs when the employer chooses to terminate an employee or remove them permanently from the group in question, possibly because of poor performance, toxic behavior, or other reasons. Reasons for Employee Turnover There are many reasons why employees leave a department or an organization, and while some reasons for turnover are negative, some turnover is expected and perfectly normal. Some of the most common reasons for turnover include the following: - Lack of oppor...