Performance Evaluation


Importance of Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluations benefit both employee and employer. It is a time to provide feedback, recognize quality performance and set expectations for future job performance. It is also a time to have candid conversations about performance that is lacking and how performance can be improved.

Important steps to follow in Performance Evaluation:

1. Set Performance Standards

It’s important that you set clear performance standards that outline what an employee in a specific role is expected to accomplish and how the work should be done [sean peek 2018]. The same standards must apply to every employee who holds the same position. All performance standards should be achievable and they should relate directly to the person’s job description.

2. Set Specific Goals

You should also set goals that are specific to each employee, unlike performance standards, which can apply to multiple workers. Goals are particular to the strengths and weaknesses of the individual employee and can help them improve their skills or learn new ones [I Ahamed 2013]]. Work with each employee to set goals that are reasonable and relevant to their position.

3. Take Notes Throughout the Year

Track the performance of your employees throughout the year. Create a performance file for each worker. Keep records of notable accomplishments or incidents, whether they’re positive or negative. Remember that you can give immediate feedback to employees when something stands out as well, you don’t have to wait until the year-end review process to give praise or constructive criticism.

4. Be Prepared

When it comes time to actually give an employee evaluation, it’s best to prepare for the meeting ahead of time. Review your documentation for the employee before the meeting and make notes of what you want to discuss with the employee. The performance review should be mostly about the positive elements of the employee’s performance, with some helpful advice on how to improve in the future. After all, if the worker’s performance was mostly negative, they probably wouldn’t still be working for you.

5. Be Honest and Specific with Criticism

When you do need to give criticism in an evaluation, be honest and straightforward about your feedback. Don’t try to sugarcoat or downplay the situation, which can create confusion for the employee. Give clear examples and then provide helpful, specific advice on how the employee can grow and improve in the future.

6. Don’t Compare Employees

The purpose of an employee evaluation is to review the performance of each staff member against a set of standard performance metrics. It’s not helpful to compare the performance of one employee to another and doing so can lead to unhealthy competition and resentment. Always circle back to your evaluation framework, not the performance of other workers.

7. Evaluate the Performance, Not the Personality

Your evaluation should focus on how well the employee performs their job, rather than their personality traits. When you make judgements about the employee’s personality, they can feel attacked and the conversation can turn hostile. So, for example, rather than giving feedback about an employee being immature or emotional, it’s more productive to instead give specific examples of the employee’s actions in the workplace that demonstrate those characteristics. Don’t make criticism personal, always tie it back to the work.

8. Have a Conversation  

An employee evaluation shouldn’t be a one-way street where the manager gives feedback and the employee listens to that feedback. Instead, a productive employee evaluation should be a conversation between the two of you. Listen to your employee’s concerns and how they’d like their career to grow. Find out how you and the larger team can help the employee meet their career goals. You may also ask for an employee to provide a self-evaluation of how they think they performed at their job for the year. A performance review should allow the employee to review the workplace, their managers and themselves, as well as reflect on their own career growth.


Performance evaluation provides employees recognition or rewards for their efforts and thus boosts employee morale and increases their job satisfaction. This in turn will increase the productivity of the organization.



  1. Basically Performance reviews should be achievement oriented, fair and accurate in developmental.Ultimately this benefit gain both as you mentioned in article employee & employer.

  2. Good article. Performance evaluations plays huge role within an organisation. That will help companies to retain the top performers and to enhance their carrier growth.

  3. Performance evaluations should be considered organization goals as well as values and competencies. Discussion must be two way. Goals are organization expectation from employee. That needs to discuss with fact and figures. Apart from that needs to discuss what kind of arrangement done for employee develop like training & development. Then employee motivation would be high. Finally figures must be 100% accurate and shouldn't be bias.

  4. Evaluation of performance benefited both Employee and Employer. In this blog, you have described the process of PE and how both stakeholders benefited. Informative and useful Blog.

  5. What are the benefits to organizations from performance evolution? If you can add employers benefits, it will add more value for your blog. Great 👍

  6. The essay is extremely well written. Employees' morale and work satisfaction are increased when they receive acknowledgment or awards for their efforts as a result of performance review. This, in turn, will boost the organization's productivity. All the Best!!

  7. In general, performance assessments should be goal-oriented, fair, and accurate in terms of development. In this article, you have described the process of performance review As a result, the organization's production will increase and Employee morale is boosted, and job satisfaction is increased. All the best.

  8. effective evaluation of performance is very important for staff members of and organization since it enhance productivity and motivation of the staff members. Not only the evaluation process but the rewarding also has to be done accurately and reasonably. All the best.

  9. Employee performance review is critical not only from an HR standpoint, but also from the perspective of the employees. Everyone wants their efforts and hard work to be recognized and appreciated. Employees of a corporation can simply be identified through performance evaluations. A corporation evaluates its employees' performance and recognizes them for their contributions to the company's success and growth through performance appraisals. Hence Performance evaluation is a process which is beneficial for both employer and employee.

    Good article Dilini. Well done.

  10. The essay is written really effectively. When employees receive recognition or awards for their achievements as a consequence of a performance evaluation, their morale and work satisfaction improve. As a result, the organization's production will increase. Best wishes!!

  11. With the arrival of your company’s performance appraisal season, there also comes an increased focus on self-evaluation and reflection on your own work.
    Clearly explained. Good luck!

  12. Performance evaluations benefit both employee and employer. It is a time to provide feedback, recognize quality performance and set expectations for future job performance. All the Best!!

  13. Basically, performance assessments should be goal-oriented, fair, and accurate in terms of progress. As you indicated in the essay, this benefits both the individual and the business.

  14. Success of any company is depended on the performance of its employees. Performance evaluation is important to find out about orientation of employee performance with the company’s goals. This blog is useful in studying about the importance and the steps of the process of performance evaluation. You have clearly explained it. Performance evaluation can be used as a platform to have the employee’s reviews too. Employee’s issues, necessary tools and his ideas are necessary to identify the prevailing conditions of the organization. This is a precisely written article. All the best.

  15. To properly assess performance, a manager must be aware of the job's specific expectations, monitor the employee's conduct and outcomes, compare the observed behavior and results to the expectations, and measure the match. You have explained the steps to be followed for a better performance evaluation. Helpful discussion and Keep it up.

  16. When employees receive recognition or awards for their efforts as a consequence of a performance evaluation, their morale and job satisfaction rise. As a result, the organization's production will rise.


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